Dairy Corner

From Farm to Fork: The 4 Hidden Zoonotic Diseases Risks in Dairy Cattle

What Are Zoonotic Diseases?

Zoonotic diseases are infections caused by various pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and parasites, that can be transmitted between animals and humans. In the context of dairy cattle, there are specific zoonotic diseases that merit attention due to their potential impact on both the agricultural sector and public health.

Unveiling the Zoonotic Threat

Dairy cattle are a common source of milk and dairy products that find their way into households across the world. While we enjoy the creamy goodness of milk, cheese, and other dairy delights, it’s essential to recognize the potential hidden risks that can lurk in these products.

1. Brucellosis: A Silent Threat

Brucellosis is caused by the bacterium Brucella and can be transmitted through direct contact with infected cattle, their bodily fluids, or consumption of unpasteurized dairy products.


    • Fever, chills, and fatigue like in Flu-Symptoms
    • Joint pain and swelling.Gastrointestinal issues, including nausea and diarrhea.
    • In severe cases, brucellosis can lead to chronic conditions affecting the heart, liver, and nervous system.


    • Vaccination of cattle.
    • Proper disposal of placentas and other birth materials.
    • Safe manure handling practices.
    • Protective clothing for farm workers.

2. Anthrax: A Rare but Dangerous Zoonosis

Anthrax is caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis and can be transmitted to humans through contact with infected animals or their products, such as hides or meat.


    • Symptoms may include fever, swelling at the site of exposure, and skin lesions.
    • Inhaling anthrax spores can lead to severe respiratory symptoms.
    • Untreated anthrax can be fatal.


    • Vaccination of cattle and livestock.
    • Avoiding contact with infected animal carcasses.
    • Ensuring proper disposal of animal remains.

Rabies: A Deadly Concern:

Rabies is transmitted through the saliva of infected animals, often through bites, and affects the central nervous system. Swift action is essential to prevent severe illness.


    • Fever, headache, and discomfort at the site of the bite are the initial symptoms.
    • As the disease progresses, it can lead to confusion, hallucinations, and paralysis.
    • Eventually, rabies can lead to coma and death if left untreated.


    • Avoid close contact with potentially infected animals, including cattle.
    • Prompt medical attention and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) if bitten by an animal with suspected rabies.
    • Vaccination of pets and livestock.

Campylobacteriosis: A Common Culprit:

Campylobacteriosis is usually caused by the bacterium Campylobacter jejuni and can be transmitted to humans through the consumption of contaminated dairy products or undercooked meat.


    • Diarrhea (often bloody), abdominal pain, and fever.
    • Nausea and vomiting.
    • Muscle pain and general malaise.


  • Ensuring clean and safe drinking water for cattle.
  • Preventing cross-contamination during meat and dairy processing.
  • Practicing thorough hand hygiene.

The Critical Role of Prevention:

Preventing zoonotic transmission from dairy cattle to humans is paramount. The agricultural industry and public health authorities must work together to reduce the risks associated with these diseases. Comprehensive prevention strategies include:


Vaccinating dairy cattle against specific zoonotic diseases is a crucial step in reducing the risk of transmission. Effective vaccines can significantly lower the prevalence of these diseases within cattle populations.


The pasteurization of dairy products is an essential process to kill harmful pathogens while retaining the quality and taste of dairy items. It ensures that any potential contaminants are eradicated before consumption. For quality assurance, you can also do a specific milk gravity test.




If you found any symptoms of the disease in any of the cattle immediately separate it from the herd and take precautionary measures. Quarantine the animal from the whole herd is the best option in order to protect yourself and your herd. It also helps to control the spread of disease to other animals. Not only quarantine the animal, but also take good care of it hygiene, feed, and vet treatment.

Hygiene and Protective Measures:

Maintaining strict hygiene practices on dairy farms, such as regular handwashing and the use of protective clothing, can minimize the risk of exposure for farm workers.


The journey of dairy products from farm to fork is a complex one, marked by potential zoonotic risks that must not be underestimated. As consumers, it is crucial to be aware of the steps taken by the dairy industry to ensure the safety of their products, from rigorous hygiene practices to vaccination of cattle. By supporting these practices and making informed choices, we can enjoy our dairy products with confidence, knowing that the industry prioritizes our health and well-being.

In the grand scheme of things, understanding the hidden zoonotic risks in dairy cattle and taking steps to prevent their transmission is not just about preserving the dairy supply chain but also about safeguarding public health. By working together, we can continue to relish the dairy products that enrich our lives while minimizing the risks associated with their production.


1. What is the most common zoonotic disease?

Rabies is one of the most common zoonotic viral diseases spread worldwide.

2. What are the 4 Categories of Zoonotic diseases?

Zoonoses can be classified according to the etiologic agent – viral, bacterial, parasitic, mycotic, or unconventional (prions).

3. What is the Incubation period of Zoonotic diseases?

The incubation period may last for one to four weeks up to several months. The patients may be asymptomatic or may even present serious clinical symptoms, especially fever, night sweats, and low back pain in the endemic region.

4. Is any fungal disease zoonotic?

Some fungal diseases, such as ringworm, are zoonotic diseases—meaning that the disease can spread from animals and people. Other fungal diseases, like histoplasmosis, can’t spread from animals and people but can infect both animals and humans who are exposed to fungi in the environment.

5. Death rate of Zoonotic diseases?

It is estimated that zoonoses are responsible for 2.5 billion cases of human illness and 2.7 million human deaths worldwide each year.

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